Monday, February 23, 2009

Gaza and Antonio Caso – A Poem
By Andrea Allamb
(Antonio Caso was a Mexican philosopher who died in 1946, and was a friend of the poet Octavio Paz.)

Antonio Caso warned us of this, in the language of the beautiful other –la existencia como economía, implies the use of people as means,entirely for self interests and gain. In this case are States, under flags of artificial stars,maximum gain with minimum effort, and the States whose mantra is thisare Primitive, so Caso himself explained it.

From his ethereal terraces of beautiful carehe wept at the people’s Catastrophe.Over the horror of Gaza he drapes his monsoon of grief.The Primitive becoming the Barbaric becoming the Ugly, who construct terraces of cement sorrow, fill tea urnswith human feces, destroy the beautiful olive tree.
As faltering wings Caso’s grief shelters the father who crawlsto shield his dead child’s face from the teeth of a hungry cat, while the soldiers of Ugliness take aim as he outwardly stretches twice the full length of his struggling body to protect his slain son’s beauty.It is the barbarian’s game of human cat and mouse.

Seek not beauty in the human face, for it is a light within the heart,whispers the Lebanese poet, and may his words give comfort to Gaza.Heart speaks to heart, deep cries to deep, beauty whispers beauty, truth declares truth,uniting and igniting living languages in lanterned hearts thatbirth the secret language of freedom, shared only by those who struggleto create la existencia como caridad. This thought Antonio also gifted to us, in the language of the beautiful other.

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